Organic skincare - Holistic proprieties of the Jasmine Flowers

The organic skincare products crafted localy by MUSE ELIXIRS are extracted în the purest form posibly. MUSE's organic skincare extracts have holistic proprieteis (therapeutic-physical properties, psycho-spiritual and meta-physical proprieties)

Jasmine – The Healing Moon Flower

Today is Monday, it is the Moon’s day, so we will be dedicating this day to our emotions and feelings. In honor of the Moon, we are going to explore the holistic healing dimensions/powers of a beautiful plant ruled by the Moon - Jasmine flower

1. Physical Dimension - It can sooth and comfort the body

The Jasmine plant has its origins in Asia. The parts used are the white lovely flowers. Jasmine flowers contain alpha terpineol, benzaldehyde, benzyl acetate, benzyn acid, benzyl alcohil, eugenol, farnesol, gernaiol, jasmone, nerolidol, linalyl acetate, salicylic acid, and vanillin - which give it therapeutic properties.

Jasmine acts as a natural antidepressant, kills bacteria, helps heal wounds, balances hormones and heals your skin. Jasmine extracts can be used to reduce anxiety, stress, depression, and menstrual issues – as the Moon rules instincts, emotions and water. It can be used to improve symptoms such as insomnia, palpitations, and irritability.

Jasmine flower extracts are commonly used in beauty products, specifically those for hydrating and improving skin elasticity. Jasmine can treat dry, aging skin and even acne scars

As the plant is ruled by the Moon, which rules the mother instinct, Jasmine`s active compounds also help increase lactation and eradicate postpartum depression. It is not recommended during pregnancy, as it can stimulate uterine contractions.

2. Psycho-Spiritual Proprieties - it can south and confort the your mind and emotions.

Jasmine extracts can be used to confront emotional dilemmas, to address states of shock, trauma, emotional stress, low self esteem, or body image issues. A cup of jasmine infused tea can aid in stabilizing and processing your emotions, especially on a Full Moon.

Affirmations to Use with Jasmine: I am now safe and in control!

Jasmine is a flower that nurtures old traumas or spiritual wounds around sexuality; Those seeking to eradicate shame, self-doubt, irrational anger and fears often call upon jasmine extracts to induce feelings of safety and security. It is used by people in times of sadness or grief, and it is used to attract spiritual love.


3. Metaphysical Proprieties - it can connect you with the auric fields 

Its floral energy is a mood-lifer for most people and often provides aphrodisiac qualities. It helps to dissolve emotional barriers and promote feelings of intimacy. As an anointing oil, Jasmine is used to facilitate the opening of the heart chakra, as well as the sacral chakra, third eye and crown. Incorporating Jasmine extracts in your ‘before bed’ ritual will bring deep sleep and prophetic dreams.

Jasmine is a key  ingredient in 2 of our organic skin products. You can find all the healing powers of Jasmine flowers in two of our prescious holistic herbal extracts are The Moon Potion and The Heart Chakra Healing Elixir, locally pressed by hand with love and pure intentions.

We invite you to try the healing power of our pure like love organic herbal extracts, anytime you want to use premium organic skin care products for your body mind and spirit, în your selfcare ritual.